Saturday, June 16, 2012

A piece of me

Okay, you're reading this blog because this is required in our ENGN12A class.
So here it goes...

I'm a sophomore. I survived freshman year and only 2 more years, baby!
I'm taking Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Service Major in International Trade in Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila. I used to be a theater member. Yes, used to be. I didn't continue with theater because after show casing our show, where I was the lead actor I might add, I just lost interest to it. I don't know what happened. I love theater, I do. I guess by this time, I'd say that I'd rather watch than act. Why? Secret!

I really wanted to take Theater Arts but as you have read earlier in this blog, I am taking up ABFS-IT.
You have to be practical. I don't regret taking this course. I wouldn't shift. I chose a great course and I have to thank my friend, Mikka Atienza who told me to see if this course would work for me. And it did.

I almost forgot! How rude of me. I'm Sherilyn Benouahmane (benowamen.)  I never believed that I'm the only "Benouahmane" here in the world. I know. I searched facebook. Hehe. I just turned 18 last February 4. I am the daughter of the ever beautiful Lilia Laggui and as far as I know, I am an only child. I never felt sad being an only child because I have a cousin who I grew up with so it's like I grew up with a sibling. And now, even at this age, I am still playful. Especially when I have my very cute and playful 2 year old niece and 7 year old niece. I'm not the only girl anymore in our house. I'm not the princess anymore. Hehe. But atleast I have playmates!

I am not childish. I am child like. There's a big difference. I act playful not only with my niece but also with my friends and boyfriend of 6 months. We're like best friends with the hand shake and stuff and at the same time, we are couples. Oh, did I mention I also act playful even with my mother sometimes? Haha!

I seem like a jolly person because of what you're reading now here in my blog, aren't I? Well, that's only one side of me. I'm moody, temperate, they even tease me and call me "bipolar" sometimes because of my mood swings. But that's just who I am.

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